Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Belajar Arab Al Quran cara mudah

Tahukah anda?

Bahawa hanya 569 perkataan dalam Al Qur'an sudah mewakili 80% dari bilangan ayat dalam Al Qur'an keseluruhannya? ...nampak mudah nak memahami nya jika belajar cara yg betul...

Dengan anggaran 79,000 perkataan dalam AlQuran,  banyak perkataan diulang-ulang. Hanya 100 perkataan mewakili 50% dari bil. keseluruhan. Keseluruhan perkataan yg diulang dijangka sekitar 2,000 perkataan sahaja.

Untuk bacaan lebih lanjut sila baca :

Website: 1. http://www.quranicwords.net/About.html

InshaAllah, our goal is to provide easy and effective tools for learning the words of the Quran. There are approximately 79,000 words in the Quran. QuranicWords is a simple, easy and fun way to learn 569 words that are repeated multiple times and account for about 80% of the total words in the Quran. Learning a new language often can be a daunting experience. With QuranicWords, you can learn words at your own pace while doing  your daily routines such as checking email or using your mobile phone.  We bring this product to you, inshaAllah, with full certainty in the words of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'alah in surah Al Qamar:


"And in truth We have made the Quran easy to remember, but will any take heed?" Al Qamar


We are grateful to Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'alah for making this project a reality. We are also grateful to everyone who helped us in so many ways. We are especially thankful to Br. Abdulazeez Abdulrahim of Understand Quran Academy for allowing us to use the 80% word list. We encourage everyone to visit their website to benefit from their excellent work: www.UnderstandQuran.com


We hope QuranicWords will be the first step towards understanding the Quran and a means to developing a deeper relationship with Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'alah.


We ask you to remember us in your duas and share this resource with your family and friends.  As the beloved prophet Mohammed, may peace and blessing be upon him, said:


            “The best of you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it. ” (Bukhari)

2. Dan ada lagi, web untuk latihan:

Website 2. http://www.understandquran.com/home.html dan

3. http://www.80percentwords.com/

3b(tambahan baru) http://www.emuslim.com/quran/lughat.asp

4. Dan satu lagi, mereka dah hasilkan satu software untuk Iphone di App Store pada harga US$9.99 dan dalam bulan Ramadhan nih dibagi diskaun 50%, bestnya, aku dah beli dah...yeeh...

5. Dan satu lagi, masa aku kat Mekah (Bulan Julai 2009 baru nih) aku round jumpa satu kedai- dan aku dapat beli satu buku best, "Complete Easy Dictionary of the Qur'an" yg juga mengandungi ayat-ayat yg berulang macam software di atas nih, bestnya,....

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